Speaking & Facilitation
Forte Labs Professional Development Workshops
2019: Palm Beach County Library - Developed and led full-day training on Building a Second Brain method for staff to better organize digital information and research.
2015: Inter-American Development Bank - Developed and led four separate full-day trainings for staff focused on improving their productivity and creating productive work place habits.
2015: Genentech - Facilitated 2-day training on workplace productivity and improving wellness habits.
Allied Media Conference
2016: Democratizing Design for Justice with Reflex Design Collective
This session facilitated by Lauren Valdez and Brooke Staton included hands-on exercises for applying design thinking methods to social justice issues for creative, collective problem solving.
2017: Amplify your voice using media strategy & free tools
Violence & Rider Safety: The Multi-sector Approach
This session focused on reframing violence on transit as a public health issue, with an emphasis on gender-based violence.
Empowering Womxn of Color Conference
2016: Keynote Plenary Speaker
2017: Design Thinking for Healing
This session included hands-on activities for using design thinking principles as a strategy for self-empowerment and healing.
Experience Design
SPARCC Investment Without Displacement
Designed and coordinated the Arts & Culture integration for a 300-person convening of thought leaders, community members, and practitioners on tackling housing displacement. Coordinated the highest participant-rated breakout sessions on Arts & Culture as a Strategy to Counter Displacement and How Communities of Color are Working Together to Build Power and Tackle Displacement. Designed the visual brand and created supporting materials including keynote slides and program handouts.
Creative Commons 10-Year Anniversary Video Installation
Designed a 10-screen video installation for the Creative Commons 10-Year Anniversary Party in San Francisco. The exhibition featured 240-hours of open-source video created by the Global Lives Project.
Global Lives Project Video Library
Managed the implementation of an open-source virtual video library that was awarded the 2013 AIGA (Re)design Award in partnership with pro bono design firm Method, Inc.
Publications & Media
Community Benefit & Missed Opportunities: A Case Study of 3 San Francisco Hospitals: Greenlining Institute
Hospitals come out ahead in claimed benefit to community: San Francisco Chronicle
Oil Drilling Lawsuit: Wilmington Youth vs. City of Los Angeles: Wilmington Wire
AQMD Approves Tesoro Project, Activists and Elected Officials Continue Opposition: Wilmington Wire
Global Poverty & Practice Alumni Magazine: Blum Center for Developing Economies
UC Berkeley Students Take On Global Poverty: UC Berkeley
Project Management & Program Development
SPARCC Program Officer (Oct 2016- Feb 2019): Part of a 3-person management team serving as the directing function of SPARCC, a 6-region community development initiative investing in health, climate, & racial equity. My role oversaw the budget & operations of SPARCC, funder relations & compliance, and coordinating the external evaluators. I managed the $20 million budget across the initiative and managed the annual work plan.
Global Lives Project Program Manager (Jan 2012-Oct 2013): Managed all operations and coordinated international staff, volunteers, and partners for new educational programs and video exhibitions. Created annual strategic plan, secured over $200,000 in funding or in-kind donations, and built partnerships with the Bay Area Youth Media Network, SF Film Society, and Adobe for the pilot “Youth Global Literacy through New Media” education initiative, bringing GLP into schools in Singapore, Finland, and the San Francisco Bay Area.
Win A Fulbright Founder (June 2017-Present): Created online resource hub and online course curriculum for students applying for Fulbright scholarships.
Fundraising & Grant Management
Managed reporting and compliance for $20 Million in grant funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Ford Foundation, Kresge Foundation, The California Endowment, and the JPB Foundation.
Successful managed a Kickstarter campaign raising over $35,000 in 30 days, reaching 140% of the original funding goal.
Been awarded over $3.5 Million in private grants, city grants, federal grants, private donors and in-kind donations from the Adobe Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, Salesforce, the JPB Foundation, the Institute for International Education, and the City of Los Angeles.